trabajos (Básico): Enlace trabajo a trabajos
Al realizar su contabilidad habitual trabajos, es posible que desee ver más contexto, por ejemplo, qué trabajos se ha hecho anteriormente para esta u otra cuenta (por ejemplo, informes para personas físicas y jurídicas). Es entonces cuando puede que desee vincular una trabajo a otra.
Cómo funciona la vinculación de un trabajo a otro trabajos :
- You may link the job to any other job, including those created for the other accounts.
- A job might include as many linked jobs as you need.
- The jobs are always cross-linked. For example, if you linked Job A to Job B, you will see in the details that Job B is linked to Job A.
- Jobs are linked to jobs by a firm owner, admin or team member with access rights to view all accounts or assigned to the account.
Así se hace:
- To link an existing job, click Link, select Jobs and choose the jobs you want to link. You can link any jobs, including the archived ones. You can click Filter at the top right to filter the job list by account, pipeline name or pipeline stage.
- To link a new job, click New and select Job. This will open the Add job sidebar. After you fill in the job details, it will be automatically linked to the current job.
After linking, jobs will be displayed in the Linked > Jobs section on the right of the job card.
Verás lo siguiente:
- Account: Who the job is for, whether a company (a business account) or an individual (a personal account).
- Name: The name of the job.
- Stage: The stage the job is in.
Plus, click on the name of the linked job to review it and edit its details. Click x on the right side of the line of jobs to unlink unnecessary ones.