Join TaxDome community

Find out how to get involved in our social media communities to catch up on the latest news and share experiences with others in your professional area. 

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TaxDome en Facebook

On the TaxDome primary Facebook page, we share feature announcements and updates, new blog posts and important company news. Follow us to keep posted. 

To actively and efficiently communicate with our users, we created the TaxDome community.

What is the TaxDome community

The TaxDome Facebook community is the official and exclusive space where you can: 

  • Connect with the TaxDome team to get answers to your questions 
  • Share knowledge and helpful tips as well as best practices 
  • Communicate with other members of the community for networking purposes

Who can join the community

Our Facebook community welcomes existing TaxDome users and firms considering using our software. So, users who have started a two-week trial can join the community. 


Note! We reserve the right to remove individuals who do not become TaxDome users after the trial.

How to get into the community

There are several ways to open the TaxDome Facebook community. 

  • In the web portal, click the question mark in the top navigation bar and select Facebook community

  • In the mobile app, tap the question mark help button on the top right and select Join community

  • You can also open the TaxDome community via the direct link and click Join group.


Note! To become a community member, you should agree to the community guidelines and answer all membership questions. If you send the request without this, your request will be declined. However, you can send the request again following the feedback provided.

Community guidelines

Haz: Haz preguntas y escribe comentarios sobre las funciones de TaxDome .

No lo hagas: Informar de errores o sugerir ideas sobre nuevas funciones. Tenemos procesos especiales para ambas cosas:


Attention: We don’t address private messages. If you do send one, you’ll receive an auto-reply. Instead, please contact our support team!

TaxDome en Instagram

The TaxDome's Instagram page publishes news, updates and info about upcoming events. Follow us to keep in touch.

¿Responde esto a su pregunta? Gracias por sus comentarios Ha habido un problema al enviar su comentario. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde.